ki cigarette sine ko jalati hai...
ye to kambakht....
sine ki aag hai jo is cigarette ko sulgati hai.."
Well, this post couldn't have come at a better time (today being the world no tobacco day). A couple of months ago, I had the opportunity to visit the "Tata cancer research hospital" and there I saw a lot of horrifying things. To be honest, a visit to a hospital always gives me an " eaky" feeling. I feel more dead than alive. I just can't stand the smell, the atmosphere and everything that goes around there. ( Wonder, how I agreed when my love took me to show her medical college!) I believe that I will suffocate to death in that environment. It makes me more sick than I really am. Lucky I have never been admitted or rather haven't allowed to be admitted. But this visit in particular was even more creepy....
I was made aware ( much to my dislike ) of the various procedure in the cancer treatment. The blood irradiation by cobalt 61, the treatment by chemotherapy, the gamma and X-ray treatment procedure, those masks and frames used to immobilise the patient etc. Those gigantic machine were truly a wonder in instrumentation engineering, but those frame appeared to have come straight out of some medieval castle dungeon. The technology was truly fascinating, and "the gyan" made me think for a moment to quit smoking. Mind you it was only for a moment. But soon the wisdom dawned on me, " of what use were of these machines ( worth crores) if there was no lung cancer patients! What will the doctors do? What about their job and what about there livelihood!!!" So the moment I was out of the premises I had my faithful cigarette to my lips!
Anyway, the point is why is the world so mad against cigarettes... Tell me, how can something happily burns itself down, just clinging to your lips taking its last breath fore your five minutes be bad???Just how could it be? Sure my right chest pains occasionally, but the pain on on the left hand side, in my heart,is unbearable!!! So should I stop loving someone? Does that make "love" bad? For those who are not satisfied here are some advantages of smoking .... and the list is not exhaustive.
- It brings revenue to the country, ( one of the highest taxes are levied on Cigarettes) so it helps in building the nation.
- It leads to male impotency so it is an effective measure of population control.
- "Smoking kills you slowly", So what? who is in hurry? . See If I start smoking at the age of 20 in all probability I will develop complications in mid 30s ...and continue living up till late 40s to 60. So In fact I have lived all my productive years of my life and have contributed to society while I can. Now living further would mean, being a burden on the already depleted natural resources, hence we are actually doing a service to mankind!
- We are saving the environment, we are making the planet green. Now just take into account the amount of oxygen that a tobacco plant produces in a lifetime and compare that with the amount of toxic waste that cigarette from the same plant produces... it is way too less, not to mention that on the death of plant the same waste would be released to the environment.
- Generally, people who smoke needs a kind of reassurance, so my beloved cigarette provides that. Hence no need to be dependent on somebody.
- It builds self- confidence, keeps your morale high.
- It helps you stretch to the extreme, So you can work nights.
- It is a great stress buster like sex, with several distinct advantage, it is always available, is cheap, and no need to stick to the same brand.
- It has its own charisma.
- Smokers, often are much better observers, this is due to the fact that they often look for some discreet corner to have a fag, trying to hide from parents, looking out for suitable makeshift ash-tray or simply looking out for no smoking signs. Hence they make alert citizen- a prevention mechanism for terrorist attack.
- It is easy to make friends once you start smoking, you are no longer a social outcast. A lot can happen over cigarette.
In short Smoking is bliss ....... "Gudang Garam International" here I come!!!
Jai ho smokin baba.
Lets smokeup to ashes in peace.
As you like it.
three cheers for smoking'
QUIT SMOKING..ITS VERY INJURIOUS TO,it might appear hip and cool but nothing remains cool once u start vomiting like mad due to chemo drugs acting on ur cancer tissues and when u shout in bad pain..its hell at the other end of tunnel frnd ..
u sound like a nanny,
what makes u think it isn't hell at this end?
u forgot to read the opening lines.... and if read the post well u won't suggest me to quit.
regardin vomitin.. i have enough experience of that when i get sloshed.
and chemeo drugs is there any cure for heart ache...
And as a doctor the least i expected was some tips to overcome my hospitlophobia...
and by the way FYI quiting smokin b4 the age of 45 increases the life expectancy to almost that of a person who never smoked...
if u don't believe me read HT cafe issue of 5/6/07 ..
i m aware of that ..fine,if u can quit smoking b4 age of 45yrs .but u know t problem wit smoking,??probably u already know.its addictive..ppl need special rehabs to get rid of tis habit..anyways.
there is no chemotherapy for heartache.there is no need since, counselling works best for up to a person who can understand u in ur difficult times.then probably u wont resort to smoking in order to deal with problems in life.
great way to alleviate ur hospital phobia-.take care of ur health.practise healthy habits,so tat u never find need go to any hospital.tats all.
there u go again...
why r u so serious abt my smokin' gal ??? wanna marry me or what???
lol jus kiddin... don't take it too seriously
Alas..there goes all my gyan in vain...
hey, that was amazing. thanks..
lucid translation,i must say!! very clear and funny too(maata aa gayi..he he)
"woh kham hai zulf-e-ayaaz main"-BRILLIANT.respect and politeness redefined..
wonderful awesome unmatched!!urdu sher shayari has unparalleled paramountcy in the art of written expressions..
thanks a lot
well falcon
u seem to have done a lot of research work on pros and cons of smoking
but tell me one thing u said ur gal took u to her medical college/ hospital and if u r thinkin of a long term relationship wid her den i think u might face problems
dont u think so too?????????????
KUTTE BHAMBRI, am I supposed to answer ur every question???
secondly, it was never a relationship... it was only one way street.
never ever in my entire blog i hav used the word girlfriend...
moreover i don't think about things over which i have no control
hey i missed an important reason in my post... actually i sort of picked it up while spying on a close associate profile...
Rs. 3.50 is spoiled in smoking cigarettes which cud have been used in feeding a man in pakistan. So keep smoking & let those bastards die........
actually I spend Rs 5 for 1 gudang!!!
long live smokers and gudang!!!
By smoking, you are not only hurting yourself, you are hurting others. Secondhand smoke kills more than 48,000 non smokers a year. (
So how many cigarettes do you have a day? Zero could still be killing you.
So Mr./Ms anonymous... even zero could be killin me... very true... So if i can be killed without even smokin a single ciggi why not die doin a sin (as per U) better be active smoker than be passive... I suppose passive smokin is much more harmful???
And as for other who r gettin hurt... Don't stay with me!!! I never invited u... plain and simple..I give a damn!!!
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